太田 勝也
茨城県牛久市出身 昭和53年11月5日生まれ
平成3年3月 牛久市立向台小学校 卒業
平成6年3月 牛久市立牛久南中学校 卒業
平成9年3月 常総学院高等学校普通科 卒業
平成15年3月 順天堂大学医学部医学科 卒業
平成18年4月 市立堺病院 外科医員
平成22年4月 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 外科系臨床医学 博士課程
平成25年4月 米国John Wayne Cancer Institute Postdoctoral fellow
平成27年4月 東大阪市立総合病院 外科医長
平成28年10月 市立東大阪医療センター 消化器外科 主任医長
平成30年4月 市立東大阪医療センター 消化器外科 副部長
令和2年4月 近畿大学奈良病院 消化器外科 診療講師
令和4年4月 太田医院 そけいヘルニアセンター
日本外科学会 専門医・指導医
日本消化器外科学会 専門医・指導医
日本大腸肛門病学会 専門医
日本内視鏡外科学会 技術認定医 (消化器・一般外科領域 大腸)
日本腹部救急医学会 認定医 日本がん治療認定医機構 がん治療認定医
日本外科感染症学会 Infection Control Doctor
ダヴィンチ・サージカルシステム Intuitive Surgical Certificate
日本ヘルニア学会 評議員 近畿外科学会 評議員
1.厚生労働科学研究費 若手研究(B)
平成24年~25年 総額270万円
2.公益財団法人 内視鏡医学研究振興財団
内視鏡医学研究医海外派遣助成金 平成29年度 30万円
平成25年度 第113回日本外科学会学術集会 Young Researcher Award
1. “Phase II study of panitumumab monotherapy in chemotherapy-naïve frail or elderly patients with unresectable, RAS wild type colorectal cancer: OGSG 1602” Poster Session, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO-GI) 2020, San Francisco, USA
2. “Prognostic factors of curative malignant colorectal obstruction after SEMS” Poster Session, 11th AACR-JCA joint conference 2019, USA
3. “Laparoscopic surgery for malignant colorectal obstruction after SEMS” Oral Presentation, European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) 2017, Frankfurt, Germany
4. “First-line cetuximab-based chemotherapies for patients with advanced or metastatic KRAS wild-type colorectal cancer.” Oral Presentation, Asian Pacific Surgical Week (APSW) 2016, Kobe, Japan
5. “MicroRNA miR-93 activates oncogenic c-Met/PI3K/Akt pathway targeting PTEN and CDKN1A in hepatocellular carcinoma” Poster Session, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2014, San Diego, USA
6. “MicroRNA miR-93 regulates malignancy through targeting PTEN in hepatocellular carcinoma” Congress Plenary Session as Oral Presentation, Asian Pacific Association for Study of the Liver (APASL) Liver Week 2013, Singapore
7. “An impact of Epigenetic Approaches Targeting JARID1B to Modulate Malignant Behaviors of Gastrointestinal Cancer” Oral Presentation, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Annual Meeting 2013, Washington D.C., USA
8. “Epigenetic Regulation in Colon Cancer Stem Cells” Cancer Forum as Oral Presentation, Society of surgical Oncology (SSO), 65th Annual Cancer Symposium 2012, Orland, USA
9. “Feasibility of laparoscopic surgery for stage IV colorectal cancer” Poster Session, International Surgical Week (ISW) 2011, Yokohama, Japan
国際学会発表 9回 他;国内学会発表 46回 共同発表 269回
1. Ohta K, Ikenaga M, Ueda M, Endo S, Yamada T et al.
Preoperative oral-bowel preparation using sodium picosulfate and magnesium citrate 3 combination powder for left-sided colorectal cancer: a prospective study. International Surgery. Accepted, 2021. IF; 0.575
2. Ohta K, Ikenaga M, Ueda M, Tsujii M, Yamada T et al.
Bridge to Surgery Using a Self-Expandable Metallic Stent for Stages II-III Obstructive Colorectal Cancer. BMC Surgery. 20:189, 2020. IF; 1.925
3. Terazawa T, Kato T, Ohta K, Sakai D, Satoh T, et al.
Phase II study of panitumumab monotherapy in chemotherapy-naïve frail or elderly patients with unresectable, RAS wild type colorectal cancer: OGSG 1602. The Oncologist. 2020. IF; 5.325
4. Fukuda S, Koyama T, Ohta K, Ohta Y, Inoue M, et al. Occult follicular lymphoma in a swollen regional lymph node of gastric schwannoma. Surg Case Rep. 6:232, 2020.
5. Iede K, Yamada T, Ohta K, Ikenaga M, Tominaga S, et al. Predictive implications of decreased CA19-9 at 8 weeks during nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine for the induction of second-line chemotherapy for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Cancer Reports. e1289: 2020.
6. Ota H, Danno K, Ohta K, Doki Y, Eguchi, et al. Efficacy of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Followed by Delayed Primary Closure for Abdominal Wounds in Patients with Lower Gastrointestinal Perforations: Multicenter Prospective Study. Journal of ANUS, RECTUM and COLON. 4(3): 114-121, 2020.
7. Ohta K, Ikenaga M, Ueda M, Matsuyama J, Yamada T et al. A case of brain, lung and adrenal metastasis from colorectal cancer controlled by loco-regional surgery. Gan to kagaku ryoho Cancer & chemotherapy. 47:355-357, 2020.
8. Endo S, Ikenaga M, Ohta K, Matsuyama J, Yamada T, et al. Prognostic factors for cytology-positive gastric cancer. Surgery Today. 49:56-64, 2019. IF; 2.077
9. Iede K, Yamada T, Ohta K, Ikenaga M, Tominaga S, et al. Efficacy of S-1 in second-line chemotherapy after nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Cancer Reports. 3(2):e1215, 2019.
10. Ohta K, Ikenaga M, Ueda M, Matsuyama J, Yamada T et al. A case of anal canal adenocarcinoma locally controlled by rectal amputation after chemoradiotherapy. Gan to kagaku ryoho Cancer & chemotherapy. 45:1889-1891, 2018.
11. Endo S, Shimizu Y, Ohta K, Ikenaga M, Yamada T, et al.
Survival benefit of gastrectomy for gastric cancer in patients ≥85 years old: A retrospective propensity score-matched analysis.
Surgery. 161 (4):984-994, 2017. IF; 3.904
12. Ohta K, Ikenaga M, Ueda M, Yamada T, et al. Cell-Free and Concentrated Ascites Reinfusion Therapy for Malignant Intractable Ascites from Colorectal Cancer. Gan to kagakuryoho Cancer & chemotherapy. 44:1556-1558, 2017.
13. Endo S, Yamada T, Ohta K, Ikenaga M, Nishijima J, et al. Prognostic Factors of Oral Intake After Endoscopic Gastroduodenal Stent Placement for Advanced Gastric Cancer. Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques. 26:368-71, 2016. IF; 1.020
14. Osawa H, Takahashi H, Ohta K, Nishimura J, Mori M, et al. Full-length LGR5-positive cells have chemoresistant characteristics in colorectal cancer. British Journal of Cancer. 114(11):1251-1260, 2016. IF; 6.176
15. Ohta K, Hoshino H, Wang J, Huang S, Colquhoun S, Hoon D et al.
MicroRNA-93 activates c-Met/ PI3K/Akt pathway targeting PTEN and CDKN1A in hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncotarget. 6(5):3211-3224, 2015.
IF; 6.359
16. Ohta K, Takemasa I, Uemura M, Nishimura J, Ikeda M, Mori M, et al. Laparoscopic Surgery for Stage IV Colorectal Cancer. Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques. 24:153-7, 2014. IF; 0.938
17. Ogino T, Takemasa I, Horitsugi G, Furuyashiki M, Ohta K, Mori M, et al. Preoperative Evaluation of Venous Anatomy in Laparoscopic Complete Mesocolic Excision for Right Colon Cancer. Annals of surgical oncology. 1-7, 2014. IF; 3.930
18. Kano Y, Ishii H, Yamasaki M, Miyata H, Ohta K, Mori M, et al.
Cells of origin of squamous epithelium, dysplasia and cancer in the head and neck region after bone marrow transplantation. International journal of oncology. 44:443-50, 2014. IF; 3.025
19. Ohta K, Haraguchi N, Kano Y, Kagawa Y, Mori M, Ishii H, et al.
Depletion of JARID1B induces cellular senescence in human colorectal cancer. International journal of oncology. 42:1212-8, 2013. IF; 3.025
20. Sato Y, Marzese DM, Ohta K, Huang SK, Sim MS, Hoon D, et al.
Epigenetic regulation of REG1A and chemosensitivity of cutaneous melanoma. Epigenetics. 8:1043-52, 2013. IF; 4.780
21. Kano Y, Konno M, Ohta K, Haraguchi N, Mori M, Ishii H, et al. Jumonji/Arid1b (Jarid1b) protein modulates human esophageal cancer cell growth. Molecular and Clinical Oncology. 1:753-7, 2013. IF; 0.462
22. Haraguchi N, Ishii H, Mimori K, Ohta K, Mori M, Ishii H, et al.
CD49f-positive cell population efficiently enriches colon cancer-initiating cells. International journal of oncology. 43:425-30, 2013. IF; 3.025
23. Konno M, Hamabe A, Hasegawa S, Ohta K, Mori M, Ishii H, et al.
Adipose‐derived mesenchymal stem cells and regenerative medicine. Development, growth & differentiation. 55:309-18, 2013. IF; 2.420
24. Nishikawa S, Konno M, Hamabe A, Ohta K, Mori M, Ishii H, et al.
Aldehyde dehydrogenasehigh gastric cancer stem cells are resistant to chemotherapy. International journal of oncology. 42:1437-42, 2013.
IF; 3.025
25. Nishikawa S, Konno M, Hamabe A, Ohta K, Mori M, Ishii H, et al.
Eradication of therapy-resistant cancer cells in gastrointestinal organs (Review). Molecular and Clinical Oncology. 1:15-7, 2013. IF; 1.230
26. Ohta K, Ishii H, Haraguchi N, Kano Y, Mori M, Ishii H
EMT and Colorectal Cancer. Surgery Frontier. 19:311-315, 2012.
27. Dewi D, Ishii H, Haraguchi N, Nishikawa S, Ohta K, Mori M, et al. Reprogramming of gastrointestinal cancer cells. Cancer science. 103:393-9,2012. IF; 3.896
28. Nishikawa S, Dewi DL, Ishii H, Haraguchi N, Ohta K, Mori M, et al. Transcriptomic study of dormant gastrointestinal cancer stem cells. International journal of oncology. 41:979-84, 2012. IF; 3.010
29. Nishikawa S, Ishii H, Haraguchi N, Kano Y, Ohta K, Mori M, et al. microRNA-based cancer cell reprogramming technology (Review). Experimental and therapeutic medicine. 4:8-14, 2012. IF; 1.261
30. Nishikawa S, Ishii H, Haraguchi N, Kano Y, Ohta K, Mori M, et al.
Genotoxic therapy stimulates error-prone DNA repair in dormant hepatocellular cancer stem cells. Experimental and therapeutic medicine. 3:959-62, 2012. IF; 1.261
31. Ohta K, Ikeda M, Kagawa Y, Ohtsuka M, Takemasa I, Mori M
Two cases of curative resection for locally recurrent rectal cancer with high-level sacrectomy after preoperative chemoradiation therapy (CRT). Gan to kagaku ryoho Cancer & chemotherapy. 38:1992-1994, 2011.
32. Shimizu H, Imamura H, Ohta K, Fukunaga M, Furukawa H, et al.
Usefulness of staging laparoscopy for advanced gastric cancer. Surgery today. 40:119-124, 2010. IF; 1.280
33. Ohta K, Yamamoto T, Fukunaga M, Ohzato H, Furukawa H, et al.
A case of surgical treatment of solitary liver metastasis from pancreatic cancer. 36: 2407-2409, 2009.
34. 太田勝也, 池永雅一, 板倉弘明, 上田正射, 山田晃正ら. 急性心筋虚血を併発し緊急手術を必要とした上行結腸癌によるOncologic Emergencyの1例. 日本腹部救急医学会雑誌. 38:143-147, 2018.
35. 太田勝也, 池永雅一, 小西 健, 山田晃正, 西嶌準一ら. 子宮留膿腫穿孔を合併したS状結腸癌の1例. 日本外科系連合学会雑誌. 42: 73-77, 2017
36. 太田勝也, 池永雅一, 小西 健, 山田晃正, 西嶌準一ら. 経皮的膿瘍ドレナージで改善した外傷性直腸穿孔の1例. 日本外科系連合学会雑誌. 42: 682-686, 2017.
37. 太田勝也, 池永雅一, 上田正射, 遠藤俊治, 山田晃正ら. 閉塞を来した回腸びまん性大細胞型B細胞性リンパ腫の1例. 日本外科系連合学会雑誌. 42: 795-801, 2017.
38. 太田勝也, 池永雅一, 小西健, 中川朋, 富永修盛. 空腸結腸瘻を形成した下行結腸粘液癌の1例. 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌. 69: 33-38, 2016.
39. 太田勝也, 福永 睦, 武元浩新, 大里浩樹, 古河 洋ら.
鼠径ヘルニア根治手術におけるTension free method導入についての検討. 手術. 65:1549-1552, 2011.
40. 太田勝也, 中山貴寛, 大里浩樹, 三輪秀明, 古河洋ら.
Secretory carcinoma(juvenile carcinoma)の3例. 市立堺病院医学雑誌. 12:9-14, 2009
41. 太田勝也, 福永 睦, 武元 浩新, 山本 和義, 古河 洋ら.
若年性ポリポーシスに横行結腸腺腫を合併し大腸全摘術を施行した1例. 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌. 65: 1549-1552, 2008.
42. 太田勝也, 龍田眞行, 福永睦, 大里浩樹, 古河洋ら.
鼠径ヘルニア根治手術術式としてのPHS法の臨床検討. 市立堺病院医学雑誌. 11:13-17, 2008.
43. 太田勝也, 福永睦, 武元浩新, 龍田眞行, 古河洋ら.
当院における大腸多重がん104例の検討. 市立堺病院医学雑誌. 10:13-18, 2007.
筆頭論文 21編 英文共著論文 22編 他和文共著論文 69編